Economical Status
Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation initiated India to reach an impressive outlook and also pushed several medium and low level traders to hell of losses. If it is the case of the nation, the poor nomadic people whose sweat, blood and toil which make them half-stomach filled starving people will be thrown away to the economical downfall. They don’t have awareness of savings, future needs and to come up in the society. Since the youngsters marry at the minimum age level and bear children finds hardship for survival. Due to lack of awareness on health and sanitation, they suffer physically without proper medical aids. They should be given proper training on planned family and necessity of small saving for their peaceful life.
All these communities are living below poverty line, struggling with hunger and residing in substandard living condition. In ancient days, they were hunters, did not know any agriculture activities. They collected medicinal plants, prepared medicines and sold them for income. They have been well known as soothsayers since some decades. Most of them came to Tamilnadu from Andhra, Karnataka and Maharashtra. On the reason of moving ten months a year, they are unable to find a stable income, job security. They are unskilled laborer. They are skilled trappers of wild cat, Mongoose, and rabbits, birds by using animal cages. Wooden trappers and different size net. Besides hunting, fishing, stone quarrying, stone masonaries, baskets knitting, shell works, knitting rosary, traditional medical practicing, sweeping and cleaning the streets of other community living streets, they are seeking their livelihood by begging through palm reading, face reading, midnight sooth saying, telling life speculation or predication by using musical instruments, parrot and cow. Added to all them also simply begging for food by fancy dress, self beating, self blood shedding, acrobatic shows etc. They have not got a fixed income through any decent job. They are living in tabernacles formed at road side, waste land and pedestrian path while they are staying out of their home and moving in Coimbatore, Tirupur, Karur, Nagercoil, Tirunelveli and Marthandam.