Awarness Training

Awarness Training

In January 2023,awarness training was conducted by TENT society to tribal nomadic girls and women about various topics like health, self-empowerment, legalawarness ect in the tribal village at sathyamoorthy nagar,madurai.Around 100 women got benefited from this...
Nutritional Support

Nutritional Support

On tribal nomadic women were given additional nutritional support to improve health and gain strength.
Health Training

Health Training

A two day intensive residential training for nomadic women on ‘Health and Nutrition’ on 18th and 19th October 2014.
General Training

General Training

A special training for 36 Nomadic women of clusters was conducted by TENT- Society on 8th March,2012 in Madurai on human rights, pre-cautionary measures is self and family, legal strategies to adopted, awareness on epidemics and water bound diseases
Special Training

Special Training

Forty eight Nomads women actively participated one day women workshop on human rights and women/ child health conducted by TENT – Society in association with women study centre, Madurai Kamaraj University in their Training Centre on 20th Feb 2012. Prof....
Health Awarness Training

Health Awarness Training

Around 35 members of nomadic women are benefited on participation in one day training conducted by TENT Society on human rights, health and sanitation, hygiene and cleanliness, educational awareness and cultural developments, etc. On 19th January 2012.